Forage & Feast has been quiet lately. But there is a good reason why.

We are very excited to announce that we’ve spent the last few months acquiring the new home for Forage & Feast.

We have acquired a derelict 155 acre farm 9km from the Adelaide CBD. 

We found the photo below of the property we think may have been taken in about 1950. Everything you can see in this photo is within the property. 


Whilst we can’t get to the same spot yet to take another picture as it’s over-run with olives, blackberries and scrub, this is a similar view at present.


It is here that Forage & Feast will flourish into an integrated food experience for our customers……..however there’s an epic amount of work to be done in the meantime.

We look forward to sharing our journey with you as we take this wonderland from derelict to delicious.

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