We’re a typical married couple. My husband likes tools and tractors. My husband particularly likes things that are completely over engineered for our requirements. I generally frown upon most of the equipment and vehicles he suggests we ‘need’. We ‘debate’ over them for quite some time and we usually inevitably end up with them with or without my consent. They just seem to appear.

On this occasion however, I have to concede that this is a piece of machinery that is ‘needed’. THE GATOR. It is the vehicle of possibility for us.

We took delivery of THE GATOR last weekend and there is no looking back. We now wonder how we have been doing things on the property previously and how we ever thought we would have succeeded in the future without it.

We can now access all the boundaries of the property within a 5 minute drive instead of a 30 minute gruelling uphill walk that resembles a Mt Lofty climb (the top section too!). We can get to jobs around the property with equipment on hand and they only take 10 minutes instead of hours.

The first jobs on the list for THE GATOR are to head around and fix the boundary fencing to keep our over-capitalised sheep in. Next is to continue spraying the paddocks that are destined to be the kitchen garden and are currently full of thistle weed.

Our dream of turning this property into a wonderful epicentre of food and agriculture may actually be realised in our lifetime with this vehicle. Thank you John Deere and thank you Pringles Ag.


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