The potatoes moment of truth

The potatoes moment of truth

Potatoes are different to other crops in that there’s something wonderfully mysterious about growing them. With most other crops you can see your reward for your efforts throughout the season. You can see if the crop is a failure or a roaring success. Potatoes...
The vehicle of possibility

The vehicle of possibility

We’re a typical married couple. My husband likes tools and tractors. My husband particularly likes things that are completely over engineered for our requirements. I generally frown upon most of the equipment and vehicles he suggests we ‘need’. We...
If it has a name – you can’t eat it!

If it has a name – you can’t eat it!

On settlement day in July we arrived on the property to find six neglected sheep wandering around. There had been no mention of sheep included in the sale so we were shocked but assumed they were neighbours sheep acting as courteous lawnmowers. Over the weeks that...
The gnarly old blackberry strikes again

The gnarly old blackberry strikes again

I’ve been describing our property to a number of people and it’s hard to put into words the condition that it is in. When I tell people that out of the 155 acres approx 60 acres is covered in blackberries, their usual response is ‘Oh, you are going...

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